4D Strength

Personal Training

Calling all time-strapped and stressed-out 
Parents in the Haverhill area…

Melt at LEAST 10 lbs Of Fat, Sculpt a Lean Physique and Add 13-27kg To Your Big Lifts

… In Just 12 Weeks

Join me at Iron Institute Gym (Haverhill) and ditch the soft ‘n’ flabby parent-bod once and for all… and become the strong, powerful role model your family deserves – regardless of your age, injuries, or how long it’s been since you last exercised.

So many parents I speak to used to be active and full of energy.

But nowadays?

They’re yawning by mid-afternoon…

And they’re counting down the minutes until their kids go to bed so they can crash on the sofa.

Sure, they’ve built a successful business and a thriving career…

But one thing they’ve not been able to get under control is their own body.

They’re Stuck With A Physique That Fills Them With Disappointment Every Time They Catch Their Reflection In The Mirror.

They avoid taking their top off in public…

And feel as though they’re discovering a new ache and pain every week.

They’ve tried to exercise more and eat healthily…

But since having kids, they don’t have the luxury of working out for 2 hours a day and cooking healthy meals.

And now they’re getting older, they’ve convinced themselves their best days are behind them.

But that’s NOT true.

How do I know?

Because for the last 14 years, I’ve helped hundreds of time-strapped parents across the world transform their sloppy bods into rock-hard physiques they could be proud of – all without ditching juicy burgers and wine or dragging themselves to the gym 6 days a week.

So if you can relate to anything I’ve said so far, I’m confident that no matter your age or experience in the gym, I can help you become the leanest, strongest and fittest parents you can be.

4D Strength Is MORE Than “Just” 1-2-1 Personal Training…

Most personal trainers charge you for an hour of their time.

And even though you may get a solid workout done…

Outside of that session, you’re on your own.

You’ve no guidance on how to train by yourself…

You have to figure out what you should or shouldn’t be eating…

And you’re not given any support to actually reach the goal you’re investing £200, £300, or even £500 into every month.

But with 4D strength, none of those will be a problem.

You’ll get everything you need to lose weight, build muscle, pack on strength and build a lifelong lean and powerful physique.

You also won’t have to drag yourself through brutal 2-hour workouts 6 days a week or eat dry chicken breast and kale out of plastic containers.

We Tackle The Seven Areas Holding You Back From A Lean And Powerful Physique:

Unwanted Belly Fat

Melt away 10-20 lbs of belly fat whilst packing on muscle to reveal a chiselled frame.

‘Average’ Strength

Blow your lifts out of the water and become one of the strongest parents in your gym – no matter how old you are.

Unsure of What To Eat

You’ll know the exact foods to eat to get savagely strong and build a big chest or round glutes.

No Time

Force your body to add size and strength in as little as 2 x 45-minute workouts per week that you can do at any time from any gym.

Low Energy

Stay laser-focused all day long and still have energy at the end of the day to play with your kids, work out, or spend quality time with your partner.

Dwindling Motivation

Protect yourself from the days where you’re “just not feeling it” so you can continue to stay stronger, fit and healthy FOREVER.

Recurring Injuries

Clear up your dodgy shoulder, eliminate your knee pain, and say goodbye to the aching back by perfecting your exercise technique.

How Does 1-2-1 Personal Training Work?

Step 1

Click here to apply for 1-2-1 Personal Training, before jumping on the phone to discuss your goals in more detail, and how I can hep.

Step 2

If I decide I can help you, we’ll get you signed up and arrange a suitable time for you to come in for your sessions.

Step 3

You’ll come to Iron Institute (Haverhill) for your 1-2-1 sessions with me, where I’ll personally guide you through your entire workout to maximise intensity and perfect your technique.

Step 4

You’ll then get access to my training app, nutrition guides and weekly accountability to lose fat, pack on muscle, and build strength every single week.

What Other Parents Say About How I’ve Helped Them Lose Fat, Build Muscle, And Get In Their Best Shape Ever:

Hanna was able to lose 10kg, drop 2 dress sizes down and a majorly shift her nutritional routine.

“I worked with Ryan after my daughter and I came out of that training physically stronger than I ever thought I could be.

After having my 2nd baby a year ago, I again found myself in a position of poor mental health and horrific binge eating cycle which ultimately lead to me feeling like I’d hit rock bottom.

I reached out to Ryan ad knew if anyone was going to help me out of the hole I was in, it was him” 

Mark went on to lift weights he NEVER thought was possible and saw a major improvement in his relationships with his wife and kids.

​​”Training with Ryan over the past 6 months has been a game (life) changer as I was finding it hard to motivate myself physically and in work, struggling with anxiety and was generally feeling pretty shit about myself. The gym was no go zone for me.

Ryan’s enthusiasm is infectious and his knowledge is endless and you never feel abandoned whether it is in or out of the gym.

During the last 6 months my strength has increased, my health has improved and I’m lifting weights a guy like myself would have never imagined and at last feeling comfortable in my own body.

Alongside that my mental health, family life in general has taken a positive turn in the right direction. 6 months ago walking into a gym on my own would have been a massive issue, but not now.

Ryan has a refreshing, down-to-earth approach to coaching, which suits me down to the ground as I know exactly where I stand with thoughtful, considered support if needed. Sometimes I wonder if he knows me better than I know myself.

I would highly recommend Ryan to any dad or anyone who’s got stuck in that black hole and needs a nudge in the right direction to live life to the full, and regain some self-esteem physically and mentally.”

Luke’s Success Story

Luke managed to strip 8 KG of weight off him in 12 weeks, all whilst being a dad, husband and an entrepreneur… who was also building a new business, from scratch.

That’s all well and good, Ryan, but what results can I expect?

This will depend purely on where your body is at today and your goals. 

However, most Mums ‘n’ Dads I work with lose 10-20lbs of body fat, build lean muscle, and add at least 12kg-27kg to each of their big lifts.


Most personal trainers only offer 30-60 minute sessions.
Outside of those, you’re on your own.
With 4D Strength, you ALSO get workouts to do by yourself. These workouts will be delivered to you via my 4D Mobile App. You’ll know the exact exercises, weight, sets and reps to do, and you can perform your workouts at any gym (or at home) at any time.
Whether that’s at 6 am before the kids wake up in the morning…
In between meetings at work…
Or after a long, busy day at the office.
You also get a tailored nutrition plan to burn fat and pack on muscle without sacrificing your weekend beers, or restaurant dinners with your wife.
But that’s not all…
You’ll also have my complete guidance and support every step of the way. Meaning you can message me day or night with any questions day or night and get a rapid and detailed response.
So whether you’re travelling for work, have booked a last-minute holiday, or suddenly get sick, you’ll STILL be able to lose fat, build muscle and get stronger week after week.
All our sessions together will be done at:
Iron Institute Gym
That’s cool.
You can schedule your sessions with me around your schedule – even if that means choosing a different time every week.
Face to face Personal training ranges from £250-£450 per month.

All packages include support from me outside of the gym with weekly online check-ins.

You’ll get a personalised nutrition plan designed to help you melt fat and pack on muscle and strength whilst eating burgers and sippin’ beers.

Plus, you’ll get exclusive access to my 4D Strength training app, where you’ll get additional workouts you can do by yourself at any time.

Basically, I’ve made it almost impossible for you NOT to unlock a lean and powerful physique.
Good, because you’ll be eating plenty.

Not just dried chicken breast, kale and brown rice either.

When you sign up, burgers, pizza, beers, and a Friday night curry will be on the menu every single week as you watch the number on the scales drop.

Instead of a strict meal plan, you’ll get a personalised calorie target to hit.

As long as you hit your target each day, you WILL lose weight.
I understand. A lot of my clients had struggled to lose fat by counting calories in the past.

Either they struggled to track their food every day, or they failed to see progress despite religiously sticking to their plan.

However, when you join 4D Strength Online Coaching, you’ll get a library of guides and resources to make it almost impossible NOT to burn body fat.