4D Strength


Hey there
I’m Ryan…

If you’ve found yourself on this page, you’re either lost…

Or you’re trying to suss out who the fuck I am and whether I’m someone worth trusting to help you lose weight, pack on muscle or get savagely strong.

Let’s assume the latter.

Now, I’m not some world-famous trainer who’s worked with the best in Hollywood.

And I’m not some guru who’s been featured in Mens Health, Muscle and Fitness, or whatever magazines PTs use to swing their cocks around.

Hell, the closest I’ve gotten to ‘fame’ was having my picture taken with Jimmy Saville as a kid…and well, we both know that’s not exactly something worth bragging about.


I’m a parent just like you.

I’m doing my best to set a good example for my kids, provide for my family and maintain my sanity.

But when I’m not watching Peppa Pig…

Rolling on mats with other sweaty men at Jiu-Jitsu…

Or hooning around a racetrack on a motorbike…

I’m running my personal training business, 4D Strength.

Whilst other personal trainers and coaches focus on blasting their clients with cardio, limiting machines, or boring curls in front of a mirror…

4D Strength focuses on getting strong in the 4 key movements –

Push, Pulls, Hinges, and Carries

I discovered that once I became strong in all of these types of exercises…

I was able to pack on as much muscle and strength as I wanted.

I was able to step on stage as a bodybuilder…

And compete nationally in Powerlifting.

You might say I had 4D Strength.

But odds are you’ve no plans to strip down to your skivvies or throw on a singlet to hit a red-faced deadlift in front of three judges.

You’re a busy, time-strapped parent who wants to shift the timber that’s crept on over the years and prove to yourself that your best years aren’t behind you.


The Principles I Used To Reach 8% Body Fat And Become One Of The Strongest Men In The Country Can Also Help You Melt Fat, Build Muscle, And Add 10, 20, Or Even 30kg To Each Of Your Big Lifts…

…WITHOUT Spending 12 Hours In The Gym Every Week.

In fact, I’ve spent the last 14+ years helping hundreds of parents transform their battered bod into a lean, strong physique in as little as 90 minutes per week.

Here are just a few of the results my clients have gotten –

All without gruelling HIIT training or walking for hours on the treadmill.

If you’d like to check out what the parents I’ve worked with have achieved…

And find out if I could help you do the same…

Click the link below that describes you the best now.